HalloweenThe only *real* holiday94 images9 videos ChicagoOf matters pertaining to Frank Lloyd Wright and an architectural tour of the Windy City17 images Art Fair in A2The Summer pilgramage to Ann Arbor21 images New Years 2003First Night in downtown Boston and trip to Rochester6 images Northern CA tripsAlcatraz Island, Sonoma, Napa, Salinas14 images New England Summer Trip 2005Boston and Maine30 images Chicago Summer 2006Architectural tour 2 if by river...92 images Washington D.C. Summer 2006 and Misc.28 images Thanksgiving 200617 images Spring 20078 images Colorado Summer 2007104 images Valentine's Day 20083 images New England Summer Trip 200931 images Thanksgiving 20099 images Taliesin and Chicago Summer 201033 images Grand Rapids Fall 201314 images Lexington DriveFamily Archives